In this blog post we are going to see one of most important aspects of angularjs i.e data binding.
AngularJS has a two way data binding, lets see with examples what this means.
Lets change out index.html file to
<body ng-app=’MainApp’>
<div ng-controller=’MainCtrl’>
Change Text Here:
<input type=’text’ ng-model=’text’ />
<p>Text: {{text}}</p>
and our app.js to
var mainMod = angular.module(‘MainApp’, []);
mainMod.controller(‘MainCtrl’, function ($scope) {
$scope.text = ”;
In the above example, you will see as soon as any text is entered into the text field it is dynamically updated to the {{text}}
variable. This is called two way data binding, i.e the underlying data and DOM have been tightly coupled together.
Angular Expressions
Angular expressions are written inside {{}} and are just basic javascript code snippets. These snippets are evaluated on the controller $scope. More details about angular extensions can be seen here
e.g on angular expressions are
{{number + 1}}
In all the above expressions the variables number, items, product are defined in the controller $scope.
Angular Model
is a way to bind form fields to controller $scope. It can be assigned to input types, select, textarea etc and establish a two way data binding. ng-model is mainly useful for form fields, validation and form submission which we see in detail later.