Neural Network -Optimizer
We have seen earlier the entire purpose of to optimize weights so as to reduce loss. Let’s see in detail different optimization functions we can use with neural networks
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We have seen earlier the entire purpose of to optimize weights so as to reduce loss. Let’s see in detail different optimization functions we can use with neural networks
Softmax is a special kind of activation function which use mostly used as the last layer. The final output of an NN needs to be human understandable so in the output we would need to be able to get probabilities in case of multi classifier problem.
In this post we look deep into activation function.
In these series of blog posts we will look in detailed implementation of neural networks using Keras and also more deeply understand how neural networks work.
In this post we will see about logistic regression, this post is in continuation of liner regression which we saw before. Make sure to read the previous post in detail before reading this.
In this post we will see what exactly is linear regression and it will help us better understand NN’s. This post can be skipped, but i think it provides a good foundation for understanding NN’s
In this post we will understand how neural networks work in detail. This post will be theoretical but i believe its important to understand NN’s before we actually start coding.
This series of blogs and following blogs will be part of machine learning basics where will understand and implement machine learning algorithms.
This continuation of previous two blogs on redux flutter. In this we explore more redux tools like how to perform async operations and dev tools.
This is continuation of the previous blog and in this we look at more advanced implementation of redux with flutter.