Postman Getting Started
Introduction: postman is a tool which we used to get a response from an API request means when we make a request from a route in our application then to see what response we get from that particular route we used postman.
Our Company Blog
Introduction: postman is a tool which we used to get a response from an API request means when we make a request from a route in our application then to see what response we get from that particular route we used postman.
Introduction: Requests is a Python module that you can use to send all kinds of HTTP requests. It is an easy-to-use library with a lot of features ranging from passing parameters in URLs to sending custom headers and SSL Verification. we can use requests library very easily like this. import requestsreq = requests.get(‘’) Now let’s install […]
Introduction: The ability to send emails to either the users of your application or to yourself is a very nice feature to have in your web application. This blog post will demonstrate how to incorporate the sending of emails to users when they create a new account. how to confirm users’ email address.
In this blog post we will see how to deploy your python web app on any dedicated server like VPS, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud GCP etc basically any server where you have shell access and root access.
Till now in our previous blog posts we have developed our flask application, lets now see how we can deploy it to a server.
There are two major client side library’s which we can use with react for GraphQL a) Apollo b) Relay In the post we will look at Apollo and how to use it. If we compare Apollo with Relay Apollo Very simple to learn and fast to implement Work’s cross platform, we can use this on […]
Fragments is also a very important concept in GraphQL. This is used to group re-usable code together. To get a basic understanding about this, read the below blog post its very simple and easy to understand Let’s see how we can us it in our todo application. In our app all queries, mutations are […]
Subscription is another type of in GraphQL. This is use real time events using websockets, you can send notification to client for events which happen on the server using web sockets. It you are not aware what are websockets, you can find plenty of resources online. Let’s see how to implement subscription in our code […]
Till now we have been using a simple graphql-express middleware as a gql server. Apollo-Server provides a full feature gql server which is production ready and should be used for most applications. Let’s move our code base to apollo-server First install via Also we don’t need graphql-tools anymore as it is inbuilt in apollo-server […]
Till now we have only seen how to fetch data and gone quite deep into it. Now let’s see the how we can update data i.e POST, PUT, DELETE requests We need to use mutations for it. Mutation also follow exact similar pattern as Query. Let’s define a mutation to add a new profile data […]