HomePosts Tagged "database"
Posted in Back-End & Database, Uncategorized

Introduction to Web Scraping

What is Web Scraping? Web Scraping is the process of data extraction from various websites. DIFFERENT LIBRARY/FRAMEWORK FOR SCRAPING: Scrapy:– If you are dealing with complex Scraping operation that requires enormous speed and low power consumption, then Scrapy would be a great choice.  Beautiful Soup:- If you’re new to programming and want to work with web scraping […]

Posted in Back-End & Database, Express, NodeJS

Firebase Function Rest Endpoint With Node/Express

Installation Before we commence, we will need to setup firebase on our local machine environment and we can easily do this by following the steps listed below: 1. Install the Firebase CLI via npm by running the following command: npm install -g firebase-tools2. Sign into Firebase using your Google account by running the following command: firebase login3. […]

Posted in Back-End & Database, GraphQL

GraphQL Fragments

Fragments is also a very important concept in GraphQL. This is used to group re-usable code together. To get a basic understanding about this, read the below blog post its very simple and easy to understand https://medium.com/graphql-mastery/graphql-fragments-and-how-to-use-them-8ee30b44f59e Let’s see how we can us it in our todo application. In our app all queries, mutations are […]