HomeBack-End & DatabaseDjango Basics – Part1

Django Basics – Part1

In previous blog we saw just basics of django and should have understood basics of apps, routes, model at-least theoretically.

Now, let’s implement the same things for a todo app and do it step by step.

First step is to create a “app” named todo in your existing django application.

$ python3 manage.py startapp todo

This will create a new app called “todo”

Next, lets make a route “index” first will just return “hello world”


Reference https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/ 

Next, let’s make a simple todo model. For now will we just have

id: primary key
task: text
created_at: Date

P.S. For now the engine is kept to the default sqlite3 only

This the code for the same

Run migrations and it shows the table is created

Now, let’s add a “POST” route to add a new Todo


Once you have done this and you test our the route in postman you will get a “CSRF” error like this

CSRF error in post route

The reason being, all POST are protected via CSRF. Read more about it here


Next, to remove the error do the following


After doing this the api will work

also, in case of a non POST request we should return a proper error response using this


Now if you fire a GET request, you get a proper Error Code 405

Next, let’s actually save some data to db using the route.

P.S. I got an error an error no table defined "todo_todo" to fix i had to run command $ python3 manage.py migrate 


So far so good!

Next, lets add a route to fetch all Todo from our database

Also at this stage we can introduce class based views

Basically in this we can easily define get, post routes in a much better code structure. Go through the above link

Updating the code structure with the changes


Reference https://stackoverflow.com/a/38498887

Go through the above code in detail to understand it.

Now finally to fetch all Todo’s


Ok, so till now we have had a basic understanding of this. In next posts we will explore more on django model and more database operations.

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