Posted in Back-End & Database, GraphQL

GraphQL Queries Part2

This in after previous blog post, lets see more usage of GQL queries Step1 In the previous blog post, we had structured our queries to return a hard coded response. In this post, we will assume we have two objects for “user” and “address” almost similar to a database structure like mysql and we have […]

Posted in Back-End & Database, Express, GraphQL

GraphQL Express JS Getting Started Part1

In this blog post we will start using graphql using expressjs. I have been working with REST API’s for a very long time so, these blog posts would be learning graphql but in context of rest api as well. To start of, do the following After the first step is done, you should […]

Posted in Back-End & Database, GraphQL

GraphQL Basic Concepts

In this blog we will try to understand the basic concepts of GraphQL. Make sure to read my previous blog as this is in continuation of that. Endpoint First basic thing to understand is that, GraphQL run on a single endpoint, as opposed to rest api’s have multiple rest api’s url. So all graphql queries, […]

Posted in React, Web Application

React Hooks Basics

Hooks are upcoming features in React and are currently available in version 16.7.0-alpha.2. The hook can be used by installing the above version.  So, what are Hooks? Hooks let you use React features without writing classes, they are functions that let you ‘hook into’ React state and life cycles from the functional component. Note : […]

Posted in Mobile Apps, React Native

What is Expo?

This blog is to give an insight on what Expo is and what Expo can do for React Native developer. There are two ways to start building a new React Native Application, either with React-Native CLI or with Expo CLI(previously it was create-react-native-app). The first notable difference between both is ease of getting started, without any […]

Posted in React, Web Application

React Portals

Portals is a feature which was added in React 16. It lets you render children into DOM node outside of the parent component. How to create Portal? where child can be any renderable React element such as fragment, strings or elements and domNode is DOM element. What can we do with Portals? We can make […]